EvolveX Transform Birmingham, MI | Soma Aesthetic

EvolveX Transform

EvolveX Transform Body Treatment

Smooth away cellulite and achieve your body sculpting goals with innovative EvolveX Transform, a state-of-the-art device that simultaneously strengthens skin, reduces fat, and builds muscle.

What is EvolveX Transform

EvolveX Transform is a completely non-invasive device designed to reshape your body and strengthen the skin to smooth away cellulite. It has six applicators that can be placed on the targeted areas of the body to tighten and smooth the areas that you would like to address. This allows several areas of your body to be treated at once to reduce more excess fat and cellulite.

The EvolveX Transform applicators deeply stimulate and contract the muscles to build and strengthen, and they simultaneously reduce fat and strengthen the skin with radiofrequency energy. This treatment helps to reshape the body and smooth the appearance of the skin.

The unique design of Evolve Transform creates remarkable changes in your figure and significantly shapes trouble areas.

How Does EvolveX Transform Work?

Evolve Transform uses a combination of technologies that smooth the skin, destroy the fat, and build the muscles. EvolveX Transform has six hands-free applicators which are placed against your skin. These applicators emit radiofrequency energy and apply vacuum suction to heat and destroy fat. The RF energy also heats the underlying layers of the skin, causes the skin to contract and triggers the production of collagen, which remodels and strengthens the skin from the inside out. At the same time, the applicators deeply stimulate the muscles more intensely than any workout can to strengthen and tone.

This safe, effective treatment provides results without pain or downtime. The number of treatments needed varies according to each person’s needs. Most patients have eight treatments performed once a week to achieve optimal results.

What are the benefits of EvolveX Transform?

Evolve Transform provides a number of desirable benefits:

  • Significant body sculpting
  • No downtime
  • Smoothed cellulite
  • Stronger, tighter skin
  • Fat reduction
  • More toned, tight muscles
  • Simple, painless treatment that can be done during your lunch hour
  • Visible results with a few short sessions
  • Safe for any skin type


EvolveX Transform can improve cellulite, tone muscle, and reduce fat to create a sculpted, tighter appearance in the following areas:

  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Thighs and legs
  • Buttocks

Am I A Candidate For Evolve Transform?

Candidates for EvolveX Transform are individuals of any skin type who would like to shape and tone their figures without invasive procedures. Ideal candidates meet the following requirements:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Are at a stable weight they feel they can maintain
  • Have resistant pockets of fat and cellulite
  • Are within 10-20 pounds of their ideal weight

What is the recovery like after my Evolve treatment?

Because the Evolve treatment is completely non-invasive, there is no recovery period or downtime afterward. You can get right back to your usual activities. There will be some redness and warmth in the treatment areas immediately afterward, but this will subside after a few hours.

Why Choose Soma Aesthetic?

Soma Aesthetic makes it a priority to offer the most advanced and effective non-surgical treatments available, such as Evolve Transform. We provide our patients with a modern, comfortable practice where their wellness and aesthetic goals can be met using the latest, proven technological breakthroughs in the field. Our team of female providers, overseen by double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. William Pittas, look forward to working with you. If you’re interested in body sculpting with Evolve Transform, please book your consultation with us today.


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